Herbs like mint and basil are perfect for adding a refreshing taste to your drink. If you're looking for a way to infuse your water with a little more flavor, consider adding a few herbs with your fruit.

Simple Ingredients- Water and fruit are the primary ingredients for this recipe, and both are readily available at your local grocery stores or market.Customizable- From berries to lemons to grapefruit and everything in between, the flavor combinations for fruit-infused water are practically endless.Refreshing- A cold glass of water on a hot day hits the spot, and adding fresh fruit to the mix makes it even more refreshing.Why You’ll Love This Water Infused With Fruit Recipe The trouble is that sometimes we get tired of drinking water that is just plain boring this is where fruit-infused water comes in! It's a great way to add some flavor and exciting variety to your drink while still getting all of the hydration benefits of water. We all know how vital drinking water and remaining hydrated is to our health and that dehydration can lead to various health issues. It's also a fantastic way of staying hydrated, especially throughout the hot summer months. Fruit-infused water is simple to prepare at home and has endless taste possibilities. It's a light, healthy, and refreshing alternative to those artificial sugary beverages sold in stores.

So if you've been searching for something to add to your water regimen, look no further than this fruit-infused water.
Vegan grasshopper drink plus#
Who doesn't love fruit? It has deliciously sweet flavors, juicy textures, and beautiful colors, plus the nutritional benefits are just an added bonus.